Exceptional transports
Some exceptional transports: Transport of an aircraft Transport of crates Transport of fork-lift truck Transport of granite blocks
Some exceptional transports: Transport of an aircraft Transport of crates Transport of fork-lift truck Transport of granite blocks
Transport and crane work for storage tanks 1 x tractor + low-loader 2 axles 1 x tractor + low-loader 3 axles mobile crane for lifting + man-basket
Loading of 3 tanks on own site Transport to customer by road
4-axle tractor + 6-axle hydraulically operated Euro low-loader Delivery of crates of 52 tonnes with equipment for looking for gas in Siberia Transport from Breda to Mukran (eastern Germany). Then by train across Russia to Siberia Specially flattened crates for transport through the rail tunnels in Russia
Kallo Construction of new concrete foundation Diameter 8.376 m Incline 2%
Oelegem Addition of grease separator and flow meter incl. pipework, valves, etc.
Dordrecht Expansion of tank farm with 11 tanks, bases, pump pit and transfer station 2 foundations diameter 6.40 m 4 foundations diameter 5.40 m 5 foundations diameter 3.8 m Pump pit: 7 x 3 m Concrete containment for transfer station: 18.48 x 4.329 m
Flawinne Construction of new tank farm, concrete containment, bases 1 foundation: 19.40 m diameter 2 foundations: 24.60 diameter Cone down 2%, sump diameter 700 mm Volume of containment: 3,398.73 m²
Antwerp Jacking of 40m diameter tanks. Renewal of foundation. Renewal of annular and bottom plates 3 tanks 2000-1-2-3, diameter of 40,9m. Jacked up to 1m80. Complete repair of foundation, annular and bottom plates.
Antwerp Jacking of 55m diameter tank. Renewal of foundation. Renewal of annular and bottom plates Tank 406, diameter of 55m, fixed roof. Complete repair of bottom, annular plates and foundation. Tank was jacked up to above 2m.